1860 Washington Street, Newton MA, 02466

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We are a heimish, traditional, egalitarian, inclusive and spirtually uplifting community that engages our minds and nurtures our souls. We warmly welcome the membership and participation of people of all abilities, background, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Family and Friends

Family & Friends

"Reyim" means friends, and our friendships are the life of our community.

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Learning and Prayer

Learning & Prayer

We look to the stories, wisdom, spiritual insights, and halacha of our tradition to bring meaning into our lives.

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Compassion and Social Action

Compassion & Social Action

Our community is defined by the core Jewish value of gemilut hasadim, compassion and loving kindness.

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Interfaith Series on Pilgrimage to Holy Sites

Sunday, April 27, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM at the Islamic Center of Boston in Wayland

This series will take us to the holy sites of the three Abrahamic faiths – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – as experienced by pilgrims in these hallowed traditions. This is a wonderful opportunity to broaden our understanding of our brothers and sisters of other faiths and to see how pilgrimage expresses their faith commitment. You are invited to three special events to learn about pilgrimage in each faith tradition: Click here for more information and to register.

Scout Shabbat

Shabbat morning March 29

We are excited to be hosting the second annual Scout Shabbat. There are lots of ways for Scouts to be involved from leading prayers to setting up lunch for the community and more. Spread the word and sign up here.

Rabbi Philip Kieval 55th Annual Kallah

Friday May 2 - Sunday, May 4

"Truth and Falsehoods in the Bible – And Beyond" Dr. Jonathan Klawans

The Kallah Committee is excited to announce that our Scholar-in-Residence for the 55th Annual Kallah is Dr. Jonathan Klawans, Professor of Religion and Jewish Studies at Boston University. Dr. Klawans has taught at Harvard University and Hebrew College and has been involved in adult education for many years. Dr. Klawans is the author of four books, dozens of academic articles, and recently co-edited the Jewish Annotated Apocrypha. Dr. Klawans is currently working on a book on biblical forgeries. This is a fascinating and timely subject, and we look forward to hosting Dr. Klawans for our Kallah weekend.

Kochavim ("Stars"): a Night of Food, Music and Talent!

Sunday, March 30 at 7:00 PM

We are so excited that many members signed up to share their talents and special skills with the community. Now we need an enthusiastic audience for our inaugural evening of music and talent and friends! You don't want to miss it. We will have some hors d'oeuvres and desserts. RSVP here before Sunday March 23, so we can plan the food accordingly. The event is free but we welcome donations ($18-$54 or any amount). Bring your own kosher wine, beer or other adult beverages to share.

Save the Dates

  • Friday May 30 to Sunday June 1: Intergenerational Shabbaton at Camp Ramah. RSVP here.

Keren Reyim, our annual appeal, is underway!

Funds from Keren Reyim help assure the synagogue’s financial stability. This allows our growing community to build on the vibrancy of our programming and to enhance our connections to the larger community. You can make Keren Reyim donations in two ways: 1. Deliver or send a check to the shul office indicating it is for Keren Reyim 2024-25; or 2. Donate by credit card or PayPal here.

Shabbat Services: Apart, Together

  • Kabbalat Shabbat Online

    Friday Evening 6:00 PM

    Join by Zoom here

  • Shabbat Morning Live Streaming and in Person at Temple Reyim

    Saturday Morning 9:30 AM-12:00 PM

    Join by livestream here

Morning Prayer

  • Every Monday through Friday 7:00 AM

    National holidays, 8:00 AM

    In the Goldweitz Chapel and by Zoom here

  • Every Sunday Morning 9:00 AM

    Join by Zoom here

Reyim General Donations

You may donate with PayPal by clicking the Donate button below. Please indicate on the payment form if you’d like to designate a specific event, fund or simcha. We are very grateful for your support. PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!

JF&CS: Family Table

Please bring whole grain cereal and raisins to our collection box, or consider donating whole grain cereal and raisins through the Amazon wish list here.

You can use the PayPal button below to donate. Please indicate on the payment form ("Add a note") that this donation is for JF&CS.