Generous donors have donated goal-directed funds to further the vision and goals of our congregation in a sustained way. These funds are managed and invested by an Endowment Committee of five Reyim member trustees. Conditions established at the time of initial donations allow the use of investment income and, in some cases, a fraction of the principal, to support the stated goals of the donors.
One of the funds is a General Endowment, the income from which can be either saved for future needs or used for any purpose designated by the Board of Directors.
The others are Restricted Funds, directed to goals established by the donors. The investment income is used to enhance educational, spiritual, charitable and leadership development activities of the congregation.
Please consider supporting our congregation and contribute to these funds so both their principal and generated income can grow.
For any religious, education, cultural or other program or project including building renovation projects, that might help to inspire people toward Jewish values and ideals.
To support members of Reyim, or immediate family members, who encounter difficult life circumstances and require such assistance.
For the enhancement of program activities at Temple Reyim that promote the celebration of Jewish Life and Living
To furnish a book on Jewish Practices relating to death and mourning to the immediate family of a member on the death of a member or his/her spouse, child, sibling or parent; to provide a mezuzah for any member, or the child of any member, who marries a Jewish spouse; to provide a suitable gift to a member on the birth or adoption of a child.
For the enhancement of programs at Reyim including the purchase of, rental or lease of equipment such as audio visual equipment, stipends for presenters of programs; or other expenses associated with production, promotion and presentation of programs.
To advance secular, cultural and liturgical music at Temple Reyim. Possible uses include: Creation of a Music Library, support musical performances, support music education, subsidize salary to create a choir or other musical group, subsidize guest cantorial leadership.
For the purchase and maintenance of ritual silver ornaments or other Jewish Ritual items as permitted by Jewish Law.
To provide financial assistance to students in Hebrew School of Temple Reyim who require special education support; teachers or staff to subsidize their attendance at professional education development programs; and Reyim children who wish to attend Jewish summer camp but who are unable to afford some or all of the cost of such camp.
To assist in tuition at Hebrew School for Reyim members.
For the Youth Committee to provide financial assistance for members of USY to promote leadership development, subsidize attendance at regional and international events, and provide programming support for USY and other youth activity programs.
For gifts for children of members of the synagogue who are graduating from Hebrew School
For attendance at Camp Yavnah, Camp Ramah or some other camp with similar activities for Reyim members.
For tuition at Prozdor, the High School of Jewish Studies or some other Hebrew High School with similar activities for children of Reyim members.
To support the congregational participation element of the Passport to Israel Program.
To support Jewish Education for children with special needs whose parents are members of Reyim. Funds may be used for supplementary support such as tutoring in the Sandberg Religious School, support special needs students’ attendance at Jewish Day Schools or Jewish Summer Camps.
To establish or enhance programs at Temple Reyim for the benefit of Reyim children attending area Jewish Day schools or high-school aged students. To support Reyim members who are in financial need.
To support education programs within the Hebrew School at Reyim that focus on the importance of and encourage the performance of mitzvot.
For stipends for adult education teachers, speaker fees, or other activities that will enhance learning by adults on Jewish subjects.
For scholarship assistance to children of Reyim members to attend Jewish Summer camps or programs beyond those offered as part of the Hebrew School at Temple Reyim.
For children’s books for the Temple Reyim Library.
For the costs of adult learning opportunities such as lecture series, film series, or scholar in residence programs at Reyim.
For enhancement of program activities at Reyim that provide leadership training and organizational development support for our community.